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There are about 4 assignments in this post. Week 2: Career Services Presentation After attending the Career Services live

There are about 4 assignments in this post.

Week 2: Career Services Presentation

After attending the Career Services live lesson or watching the recording, open a Microsoft Word document and type the Career Services live lesson attendance code at the top of the page. Then write a minimum of one double-spaced paragraph with your review of your experience using DeVry Career Services. Which Career Services resources did you find to be helpful? If you have never interacted with DeVry Career Services, explain which Career Services resources you might want to use in the future or why you do not plan to use DeVry Career Services.

Save your file as LASTnameWeek2.docx (e.g., OWENSWeek2.docx), and submit it by the Sunday deadline.

The grading rubric for this assignment is as follows.


Select the Start Assignment button to begin.

Once you have uploaded your files, select Submit Assignment.


Week 2: Career Services Presentation Grading Rubric

Week 2: Career Services Presentation Grading Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttendance Code

Career Services Presentation Attendance Code typed at the top of the Word document

30 pts

Met the Requirements

0 pts

Missed Meeting the Requirements

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of DeVry Career Services

Minimum of one double-spaced paragraph with your review of your experience using DeVry Career Services. Which Career Services resources did you find to be helpful?

If you have never interacted with DeVry Career Services, explain which Career Services resources you might want to use in the future, or why you do not plan to use DeVry Career Services.

Submitted Word document named: LASTNameWeek2.docx

30 pts

Met the Requirements

0 pts

Missed Meeting the Requirements

30 pts

Total Points: 60

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