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There are two options for the assignment, and students are only required to complete one of them. Both options require that students take a social

There are two options for the assignment, and students are only required to complete one of them. Both options require that students take a social psychological principle and observe it in their daily lives. In the first option, Social Psychology in Action, students deliberately apply a social psychological principle to an action or series of actions they perform in their own life (see the attached file for more details). In the second option, Examples Portfolio, students do not have to perform intentional actions but instead observe a social psychological principle operating in two places in their daily lives: one in their personal interactions, another in a popular media outlet. 

More details on the assignment options are available in the Assignment Instructions documents attached to this thread. 

Formatting Requirements:

Length: Each option has different word limits. Title page and references do not count towards word limit. Everything else counts.

Formatting: 1-inch margins on all sides, double-spaced throughout (i.e.: NO extra space between paragraphs), using 12-point Times New Roman font. Each new paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inch. You should NOT waste space by repeating the assignment instructions in your essay.

The essay should be written in essay format, NOT point form, and the language used should be formal, NOT casual or conversational.

When you have completed the assignment, save it so that the file name contains your name and identifies the assignment. For example, if your name were John Smyth, you would save your document as: JSmyth_Assignment_01.

Other Considerations:

  • You should use or own words to define and explain theories/concepts, instead of directly quoting definitions from the textbook. If I see too many quotes in the essay, point(s) will be deducted. By “too many,” I mean more than 1 quote, or more than a couple of lines of quotes in total.
  • All essays must be submitted in Microsoft Word’s doc or docx format, or in the generic rtf format). No other document format will be accepted.
  • When ready, use the Add Attachments button to upload your completed assignment.
  • IMPORTANT: Five percent (5%) will be automatically deducted for late submission of your assignment per day it is submitted late. NO assignment will be accepted after the final exam (unless you discuss circumstances with me), and a mark of zero ‘0’ will be given for the assignment.

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