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This assignment is an analysis of local, state, or federal health policy.   1. Select a state health policy reform innovation

This assignment is an analysis of local, state, or federal health policy.


Select a state health policy reform innovation

Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence.

Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, and Massachusetts’ health reforms


Submission Requirements:

· The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

· The paper is to be formatted per current APA style, 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

· Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

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