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This essay should be 3-4 pages (800-1250 words) in length and must have a minimum of two (2) outside sources from a credible site/book/database as evidence

This essay should be 3-4 pages (800-1250 words) in length and must have a minimum of two (2) outside sources from a credible site/book/database as evidence to support your claim(s). You must use the MLA style heading and follow all other MLA guidelines for formatting (12 pt. Times New Roman font, number the pages, double spaced, 1-inch margins, etc.).

Choose a film, streaming series, book, album, product, person or restaurant that you are interested in evaluating, reviewing, and analyzing. Once you have picked something, decide what the criteria is by establishing 3-5 standard/common features for the thing you are evaluating. Using these as your criteria, write an essay in which you evaluate your topic in relation to your checklist and analyze your findings. Be sure to cite specific details and provide solid evidence to support your evaluation and claim.

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