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  This is a space to share your thoughts about the Learning Materials and your engagement with the activities in one of the practices in Chapter 2 of the


This is a space to share your thoughts about the Learning Materials and your engagement with the activities in one of the practices in Chapter 2 of the Zig Zag text. First, plan and carry out the activities in the practice. Then, share the story of your experience, while making connections between the practice and the Learning Materials.

Part I: Plan and carry out activities from one practice out of the 4 listed below, found in Chapter 2 of Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity, Learn.Links to an external site. The activities in the practice may be completed individually or collaboratively.    

  • First Practice: Practice Deliberately
  • Second Practice: Master Your Domain
  • Third Practice: Learn Forever
  • Fourth Practice: Balance Specialty with Generality

Part II: In an initial post, tell the story of your engagement with activities in one of the four practices in Chapter 2 of Zig Zag: Learn. To introduce the story, tell everyone why you chose the practice you selected. Then, talk about the process of carrying out the activities (individually or collaboratively), including what you learned about creative problem solving.  

As part of your story, make connections between the Learn practice you worked with and one of the podcasts in “Untold Stories of Innovation,” as well as “The Runaway Species: How Human Creativity Remakes the World” video. How do the ideas of neuroscientist David Eagleman and composer Anthony Brandt on bending, breaking, and blending relate with practices in the Learn chapter? Offer thoughts on how you might use some of their ideas in solving the problem you have decided to take on.  

After telling your story, respond to the stories of at least two peers, preferably those who chose a different Learn practice. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about multiple practices. Check back throughout the week to respond to those who replied to your story.

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