This semester you will write an Applied Final Project titled, Application of Psychology Paper.  The final paper will be due during Week 7. The paper

This semester you will write an Applied Final Project titled, Application of Psychology Paper.  The final paper will be due during Week 7. The paper provides you an opportunity to apply psychological theory and research in the exploration of the book or film you submitted for approval during Week 2.  (Recall, submission was made via the Application of Psychology Topic forum).

This week, your goal is to briefly outline the major sections of the Application of Psychology Paper, providing references at the end of your outline in APA Format. Two of the references used must be from scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.  Your outline should be 2-4 pages and be descriptive enough that I can get a sense of what the content of your paper will include. This is imperative so I can give you good feedback on your outline to enhance your final paper.

Please look at the outline tips document created especially for this assignment as well as this sample outline and sample paper from a previous student.  The outline tips document is important.  It connects you with tips, guidelines, and resources to build the outline.  Please note that the student sample outline uses complete sentences. This is not required for a good outline, but the level of detail in the content is what is required. The sample outline is a product from a student who did well and was willing to share his outline as an example for future classes. Please, do not duplicate the movie, disorder, or content of this example outline in any way.

Outline tips link 

Outline for the Application of Psychology Paper (OUTLINE LINK)

Supporting Resources:

The UMGC Citing and Writing Guide, is great for help with APA Style in-text citations and references. 

You can also take advantage of the UMGC Effective Writing Center to gain early feedback and assistance with APA compliance. WRITING CENTER

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