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This week’s discussion focuses on description. Sensory details, such as sight, sound, smell, feel, or taste, help the reader to “see” the object the writer is

This week’s discussion focuses on description. Sensory details, such as sight, sound, smell, feel, or taste, help the reader to “see” the object the writer is describing.

Week One Discussion requires responding to two questions. Write at least one paragraph (5- 7 sentences) for each of the questions and submit them in your initial post. Then respond to at least one of your peers, commenting on both parts of their response.

Post 1: Answer both sections A & B in your initial post.

A. After reading “Slaw Dogs and Pepperoni Rolls” in 
The Norton Sampler, choose a physical description that Lee uses in his story. Analyze that description and tell us how the author’s words create a sensory effect (touch, smell, hearing, taste, or vision). Share your reaction to the description and whether you think it is effective and why.

B. Describe a lucky or favorite object. It might be a good luck charm, a piece of jewelry, a lucky pencil, etc. Your goal is to help your reader imagine they are seeing and touching the item.

Post 2:  Respond to a classmate.  Do you agree with your classmate’s assessment of the description he/she chose from Lee’s essay?  How effective is your classmate’s paragraph describing their favorite object?  What did you like best about your classmate’s paragraph?  Where can your classmate add more to make his/her description more vivid?


· Post an initial response to both parts of Post 1.

· Post a response to one of your peers.

· Post on two different days.

· Length: Post 1= 250 words minimum. Two paragraphs of 5- 7 sentences each. Post 2= 100 words minimum.

· Post your word count at the end of your post.

· Use quotations from the literature to support your points.

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