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Timeshares Gateway Timeshares Date Down payment rate Credit Score APR High risk down payment


Gateway Timeshares
Down payment rate Credit Score APR
High risk down payment % 15% 100 8.00%
Low risk down payment % 5% 600 6.50%
Low risk cut off 450 750 4.25%
Loan # House Cost Credit Score Down Payment % Financed Amount Financed Mortgage Rate Rate per period Years # of Pmt periods Payment amount
240676 $ 464,982.00 382 24
275499 $ 297,834.00 186 29
369425 $ 359,085.00 543 26
269541 $ 427,257.00 137 24
387508 $ 241,268.00 467 15
238439 $ 387,484.00 484 20
229764 $ 414,343.00 261 23
274363 $ 287,708.00 515 17
345927 $ 464,618.00 235 25
323245 $ 257,570.00 569 21
333036 $ 496,877.00 158 17
327395 $ 349,955.00 685 16
348067 $ 233,728.00 128 26
209891 $ 228,983.00 652 22
236766 $ 209,085.00 571 26
301867 $ 384,693.00 361 20
376626 $ 263,826.00 412 28
284869 $ 352,905.00 475 20
214631 $ 137,534.00 229 26
343404 $ 103,195.00 670 16
Total # of loans
Lowest payment
Highest payment
Average payment
Median payment

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