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  To  observe and understand the dynamics of your memory in daily life. SEE  directions. This assignment spans three days, so please plan


To  observe and understand the dynamics of your memory in daily life. SEE  directions. This assignment spans three days, so please plan  accordingly.

Assignment Description:

  1. Memory Collection (40 points):
    For  three days, carry a small notebook with you. Whenever you recall a  memory spontaneously (not because of this assignment), jot it down  briefly. Note the time, the memory, and what might have triggered it.
  2. Memory Analysis (30 points):
    At  the end of the three days, review your notes and categorize each memory  into one of the following types: episodic, semantic, procedural, or  emotional. Provide a brief explanation for your categorization.
  3. Reflection (30 points):
    Write a short reflection  discussing:

    • The most common type of memory you recalled and why you think that is.
    • How external cues (like a song, smell, place, etc.) influenced your memory recall.
    • Any patterns or surprises you noticed about your memory recall.


  • Be as spontaneous and honest as possible in recording your memories.
  • The reflection doesn’t need to be formal or lengthy; focus on genuine insights over volume.
  • Please respect privacy – both yours and others’. Avoid sharing overly personal or sensitive information.

The  memory collection should be done over a period of three days, but the  entire assignment, including analysis and reflection, should take about  one hour to complete.

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