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TOPIC: animal abuse  the project has three parts. here is an example of how this project needs to be: 

TOPIC: animal abuse 

the project has three parts.

here is an example of how this project needs to be: 



Components of the Public Awareness Campaign1. Campaign ProposalFor this brief essay (500 word minimum), describe your plans for your public awarenesscampaign, including the following [see lecture slides]:1) Define a problem that lacks a good solution or describe a need that is notcurrently addressed—and convince your audience the matter deserves attention,i.e., that it is real and significant.2) Make an explicit claim of policy (thesis) that addresses the problem or need. Yoursolution should be an action directed at the future.3) Show why your proposal will fix the problem or address the need.4) Demonstrate that your proposal is feasible.5) Explain how the proposal may be implemented.Consider using visual elements in your proposal. Photographs, charts, graphs, tables, etc.are powerful rhetorical devices.2. Campaign MaterialsTo create your campaign materials, you need to think carefully about what rhetoricalactions would reach the audiences you identified in the campaign brief and what pairingof genres would be best to help you address the problem. Then you will create TWOdocuments, one text-based genre (500 words minimum) and the other avisual/multimodal genre. The text-based genre should include a minimum of threesources/references from scholarly or professional sources. You can use a source in yourvisual genre, but you will need to include it in the works cited of your text-based genre.Here are some examples:Textual Genres (500 words minimum) Visual/Multimodal GenresFact sheet PosterPetition BrochureProposal InfographicOp Ed FlierPress Release WebsiteLetter or newsletter Photo essayReport VideoBlog PostOther text (with approval)An ad or PSASocial Media PostOther “text” (with approval)3. Reflection Essay (500 words)Write a reflection essay (500 words minimum) that address why you chose theproblem/issue that you did and created the texts that you did in response. Make sure thatyou are specific, giving examples from your texts and explaining your ideas:ENGL 101 – WP3–Richardson 3• Why did you choose this problem or issue for the focus of your campaign?• Why did you choose the audience or audiences that you addressed?• Why did you choose the genre or genres? What features of the genre allowed youto effectively shape your position and get the message across to the audience oraudiences you chose?• How did your message and your choices of genres and audiences shape yourdecisions about content, rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, paths),structure/organization, style, tone, and word choice or level or formality?• What other strategies did you employ to influence your intended audience oraudiences? How successful do you think your strategies were?• Are there writing strategies or skills that you employed in this project that youmight draw on in future contexts – such as other classes or in contexts beyond theuniversity (public contexts)? Explain.Evaluation Criteria• Clear focus on an issue/problem and well-focused genres that address and raiseawareness of the issue/problem. Clear thesis—a claim of policy.• Solid development of the issue (and your position on the issue), with appropriatebackground information and with claims that are well-supported with good reasons andevidence (examples, illustrations, etc.); appropriate citation of five references.• Demonstration of effective use of rhetorical strategies in the two genres you compose(use of appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos; effective style and format, use of visuals;effective tone and language).• Effective use of appropriate format, genres, and modes of communication (anddeployment of rhetorical strategies that define these genres/modes) to advocate for aposition (i.e. argue for a position) or to raise public awareness of an issue/problem.

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