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Total of 4 replies Adriana Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) play a crucial role in healthcare delivery, offering a range of services from

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Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) play a crucial role in healthcare delivery, offering a range of services from primary care to specialized treatments. However, understanding the reimbursement mechanisms they face, including Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), is essential to appreciate their financial viability and potential barriers to practice ownership. Reimbursement mechanisms for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) encompass various channels through which APRNs receive payment for the healthcare services they provide. These mechanisms include:

Private Insurers

Private insurers typically reimburse APRNs for services rendered, although reimbursement rates and policies can vary widely among insurers. Some insurers may require APRNs to work under physician supervision or may limit reimbursement for certain services.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

HMOs may contract with APRNs to provide primary care and other services within their network. Reimbursement within HMOs is subject to negotiated contracts, which may include specific reimbursement rates and conditions for reimbursement.


Medicare reimburses APRNs for services provided within their scope of practice, including nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and certified registered nurse anesthetists. However, reimbursement rates may vary based on the type of service rendered and the setting in which it occurs.


Medicaid programs across states have varying reimbursement policies for APRNs. Generally, Medicaid reimburses APRNs for covered services, often at rates lower than those for physicians. States may also impose restrictions on the types of services reimbursed and the settings in which APRNs can practice independently.

Fee schedules play a necessary role in the healthcare reimbursement process, influencing provider reimbursement rates, patient financial responsibility, and overall healthcare economics. They provide a framework for determining the value of healthcare services and contribute to the financial stability of healthcare providers and payers alike (CMS, 2017). There are often disparities in fee schedules between physicians and non-physician providers (NPPs) such as APRNs. Historically, physicians have enjoyed higher reimbursement rates for similar services compared to NPPs. However, efforts to address these discrepancies, such as parity laws and payment reforms, have been implemented in some states to ensure fair reimbursement for all healthcare providers based on the value of services provided rather than professional designation.

In Florida, regulations regarding APRN practice ownership are complex and may pose barriers to independent practice. APRNs in Florida cannot own their own practices independently. Florida law requires APRNs to work under the supervision of a physician, which limits their ability to establish autonomous practices (AANP, 2022). This restriction is primarily rooted in concerns about patient safety, physician oversight, and the traditional hierarchy within healthcare delivery.



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2017). Quality payment program. Retrieved from 

to an external site.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Issues at a glance: Full practice authority. 2022, October.


In 1977, a law was passed that allowed Medicare to be reimbursed to APRNs as long as those services are within their scope of practice and reimbursable when provided by a physician (Blair 2018). APRNs are cheaper for the government as they are paid 85% of what they would pay a physician (Blair 2018). If APRNs bill under a physician name for services provided, they can get 100% reimbursement (Blair 2018). However, this can be flagged for fraud since this type of billing implies direct supervision by that physician (Blair 2018). 

While Medicare was created for providing healthcare to the elderly, Medicaid was created to provide healthcare to low-income groups (Blair 2018). This is also reflected in the low payments for providers who provide services under Medicaid. Medicaid is known as a vendor program, which means reimbursement is considered as full payment and the provider can not request a copay (Blair 2018). Depending on the state, APRNS receive 70%-100% of physician reimbursement fees (Blair 2018).

A health maintenance organization (HMO) is a type of insurance that limits coverage to providers who are contracted by the company (Blair 2018). Private insurers along with HMOs have their own policies, regulations, and practices (Blair 2018). APRNS can be reimbursed to varying degrees based on the organization and type of service provided. 

There are often differences in fee schedules between physicians and non physician providers. As aforementioned, APRNs are paid 85% of physicians under Medicare and 70-100% under Medicaid depending on the state (Blair 2018). However, there are some specialties and services that get paid the same as a physician. For example, since 2011 nurse-midwives have been reimbursed by Medicare at 100% of the physician fee schedule (Blair 2018). 

I live in California, and in my state nurse practitioners can not currently own their own practice. However, a new law was established in 2020 that gives nurse practitioners a road towards owning their own practice by 2026 at the earliest. During the first phase, NPs can work for three years without supervision at a practice in which a physician also practices (Munday, 2023). This is to promote consulting a doctor if needed. After three years, NPs can gain full-practice authority without restrictions, including owning their own practice (Munday, 2023). As this three year requirement began in 2023, the first wave of NPs practicing independently and/or owning their own practice will first begin in 2026.

Blair, K. A. (2018). Advanced Practice Nursing Roles (6th ed.). Springer Publishing LLC. 

to an external site.

Munday, R. (2018). 
California expands Nurse Practitioner Practice Authority. NurseJournal. 

to an external site.


Describe the reimbursement mechanisms (Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, and HMOs) for APRNs

1. Medicare: Medicare reimburses APRNs for covered services they provide, but there are some limitations. For instance, Medicare Part B will reimburse nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse midwives at 85% of the physician fee schedule for the same services. However, nurse anesthetists are reimbursed at the same rate as physicians for their services (gov.n.d).

2. Medicaid: Medicaid programs vary by state, so reimbursement rates and rules for APRNs can differ. In many states, Medicaid reimburses APRNs at rates similar to Medicare, but specific rules and rates can vary widely (gov.n.d).

3. Private insurers: Private insurers also vary in how they reimburse APRNs. Some insurers may reimburse APRNs at rates comparable to physicians, while others may have different fee schedules (Britton J. R. 2015).

4. HMOs: HMOs may reimburse APRNs differently based on their specific policies and contracts with providers. In some cases, APRNs may be reimbursed at rates similar to physicians, while in others, reimbursement rates may be lower (Britton J. R. 2015).

Are there any differences in the fee schedules between Physicians and non-physician providers (NPP) such as APRNs? Please describe.

Regarding differences in fee schedules between physicians and non-physician providers (NPPs) like APRNs, there are often distinctions. For instance, Medicare typically reimburses NPPs at a percentage of the physician fee schedule, as mentioned earlier. Private insurers may also have different fee schedules for NPPs compared to physicians (

Can APRNs own their own practices in your state? Why or why not?

Whether APRNs can own their own practices varies by state. In some states, APRNs can own and operate independent practices, while in others, they may be required to have a collaborative agreement with a physician. State laws and regulations, as well as scope of practice laws, play a significant role in determining whether APRNs can own their own practices (Ann Feeney, C. 2023).



Ann Feeney, C. (2023, March 26). 
Nurse practitioner practice authority: A state-by-state guide. Nurse Practitioner Practice Authority: A State-by-State Guide |

Britton J. R. (2015). Healthcare Reimbursement and Quality Improvement: Integration Using the Electronic Medical Record Comment on “Fee-for-Service Payment–an Evil Practice That Must Be Stamped Out?”. International journal of health policy and management, 4(8), 549–551.

Home – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.).



Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) in Florida are an integral part of the healthcare system, providing high-quality care to patients across various settings. Reimbursement mechanisms for APRNs in Florida involve Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). Each of these mechanisms has specific guidelines and regulations that determine how APRNs are reimbursed for their services.

Medicare is a federal health insurance program primarily for individuals aged 65 and older. Medicare recognizes APRNs as providers eligible for reimbursement under certain conditions. In Florida, APRNs can bill Medicare directly for their services if they meet the requirements outlined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These requirements often include having a collaborative agreement with a physician or meeting specific certification criteria.

Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage to low-income individuals. In Florida, Medicaid reimburses APRNs for covered services within the scope of their practice. Like Medicare, Medicaid may have specific billing requirements that APRNs must adhere to to receive reimbursement. (
AANP Membership | American Association of Nurse Practitioners, n.d.)

Private insurance companies in Florida also reimburse APRNs for services rendered to their policyholders. The reimbursement rates and policies vary among different insurers and are often negotiated between the insurer and the healthcare provider or facility. APRNs need to be credentialed with each private insurer they wish to work with to ensure proper reimbursement.

 HMOs are managed care organizations that provide healthcare services through a network of providers. In Florida, APRNs may be included in the provider networks of HMOs and receive reimbursement based on contracted rates. HMOs typically have specific protocols and procedures that providers must follow to receive payment for services rendered. (
AANP Membership | American Association of Nurse Practitioners, n.d.)

In terms of fee schedules, there may be differences between physicians and non-physician providers (NPPs) such as APRNs in Florida. Fee schedules are set payment amounts for specific medical services provided by healthcare professionals. While physicians often have higher fee schedules compared to NPPs like APRNs, this difference can vary depending on the service provided, the setting of care, and the payer.

Regarding practice ownership, APRNs in Florida face restrictions on owning independent practices due to state regulations governing advanced practice nursing. In Florida, nurse practitioners (NPs), who are a subset of APRNs, are required to have a collaborative agreement with a physician to practice autonomously. This collaborative agreement mandates that NPs work under the supervision or collaboration of a physician, which limits their ability to own independent practices without physician involvement.

In conclusion, reimbursement mechanisms for APRNs in Florida involve Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, and HMOs, each with its own set of guidelines and regulations. Fee schedules may differ between physicians and NPPs like APRNs based on various factors. Additionally, restrictions on practice ownership exist for APRNs in Florida due to state regulations requiring collaborative agreements with physicians.

Class I do have a question. has anyone seen the exact amount or percentage that ARNPs get in their service I could not access the medicare webpage. I do understand that there is a breakdown of how much a MD will get compared to an ARNP. If at all you can find it please let me know. 


Perloff, J., DesRoches, C. M., & Buerhaus, P. (2016). Comparing the Cost of Care Provided to Medicare Beneficiaries Assigned to Primary Care Nurse Practitioners and Physicians. 
Health services research
51(4), 1407–1423. 

Links to an external site.

AANP Membership | American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.). Landing Pages. Retrieved March 28, 2024, from

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