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Use the resources linked below to help complete this assessment. Informatics Project Management To learn more about key

Use the resources linked below to help complete this assessment.

Informatics Project Management

To learn more about key topics related to this assessment, read:

· Garcia-Dia, M. J. (Ed.). (2019). 

Project management in nursing informatics

. Springer Publishing Company.

· Chapter 6, “Project Integration Management and Systems Development Life Cycle: System Analysis.”

· To learn more about system analysis and how it relates to project management the life cycle of information systems, read this chapter.

· Chapter 7, “Project Integration Management and Systems Development Life Cycle: System Design.”

· To learn more about system design concepts and how project management can help facilitate effective and efficient design, read this chapter.

· Chapter 8, “Project Integration Management and Systems Development Life Cycle: System Design—Technical and Software Configuration.”

· To learn more about the technical aspects of system design, read this chapter.

· Chapter 9, “Project Integration Management and Systems Development Life Cycle: System Configuration—Testing.”

· To learn about processes to initiate testing, its value to project design, and the role of the project manager in facilitating a test environment, read this chapter.

· Chapter 10, “Project Integration Management and Systems Development Life Cycle: System Implementation.”

· To learn more about best practices and potential challenges of implementing an information system, read this chapter. This chapter is especially important, as it will help inform the development of at least a portion of this assessment.

· Chapter 11, “Project Integration Management and Systems Development Life Cycle: System Maintenance.”

· To learn more about maintenance and sustainability concepts and strategies, read this chapter.

Executive Summaries

To learn more about how to write an executive summary, review this resource:

· University of Arizona. (n.d.). 

Writing an executive summary

Informatics Standards of Practice

To help build your understanding of the key nursing informatics competencies relevant to this assessment, use the Capella library to read:

· American Nurses Association. (2015). 

Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice

 (2nd ed.)
. American Nurses Association.

· In the Scope of Nursing Informatics Practice section:

· “Functional Areas of Nursing Informatics—Coordination, Facilitation, and Integration.”

· “Functional Areas of Nursing Informatics—Development of Systems, Processes, and Resources.”

· In the Standards of Practice for Nursing Informatics section:

· Review “Standard 5. Implementation” as needed.

· “Standard 6. Evaluation.”

· In the Standards of Professional Performance for Nursing Informatics section:

· “Standard 7. Ethics.”

· “Standard 9. Evidence-based Practice and Research.”

· “Standard 10. Quality of Practice.”

· “Standard 11. Communication.”

· “Standard 12. Leadership.”

· “Standard 13. Collaboration.”

· “Standard 15. Resource Utilization.”

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