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User User The generic structure of an education system is filled with particular content depending on the influences of different external and internal

User User The generic structure of an education system is filled with particular content depending on the influences of different external and internal contextual tendencies. External tendencies are those aspects that influence the unique structure and function of a particular education system originating from the outer context of that education system (Steyn, 2021). External determinants include language, demographics, geography, technology, politics and financial and economic trends. AFFORDABLE and CLEAN ENERGY is one of the external determinators that can influence the education system. The purpose of this assignment is to determine how affordable and clean energy as an external determinant influences the education systems of South Africa and two other developing countries. (You can select two other African countries or any two developing countries around the globe). In the assignment you should explore affordable and clean energy as an external determinant influencing the education systems of South Africa and two other developing countries. Kindly follow the following structure: 1. Research affordable and clean energy as the 7th Sustainable Development Goal. 2. Describe the situation of affordable and clean energy in SA and two other countries, focus on how affordable and clean energy influence these countries´ education systems. 3. Critically discuss the differences and similarities that can be identified on the basis of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant of the various education systems – South Africa and the two selected developing countries. 4. Discuss and evaluate best practices through engaging in a literature review in order to document/report on, the influence of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant on the education systems of the countries (South Africa and the two selected developing countries). For the reflection: Reflect on all the content of the module, tell what you learnt and how the module can be improved.

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