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Using a minimum of seven (7) credible sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library, write a

Using a minimum of seven (7) credible sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library, write a research paper about a topic related to your major or intended career, which follows the problem solution strategy. The paper must be original to this course–no recycling, please!  Also, the paper should not contain AI generated text. Format your paper according to the guidelines that are given for your particular discipline. You must choose one of the following documentation styles: APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Length: The research paper should be 2000 – 2500 words (9-10 pages) in length. The page count does not include the Works Cited, Reference, or Bibliography page, or the title page or abstract if required by your documentation style. The page count refers only to the text of the paper itself. Submitting a paper that is doesn’t fall within the word count range is not a good idea. Papers that are too long are as problematic as those that are too short. Part of effective writing is being able to complete the assignment within the designated limits set.

Sources:  Your final source page should contain at least seven (7) sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library; you will lose points if you have fewer.

DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

You are encouraged to review the rubric for grading criteria:  COLL Research Paper

Attached is a sample student paper in APA style, from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).   

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