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Using three of the topic resources, text, movie, online simulation or PDF articles, complete the following questions and post to your discussion

Using three of the topic resources, text, movie, online simulation or PDF articles, complete the following questions and post to your discussion group. References to at least 
three separate resources must be cited in your answers and referenced at the end of your posting.

1. Identify a local, national, or global crisis that has occurred in the past 10 years. 

2. What are key strategies to address your specified crisis (search and reference disaster management strategies used by WHO, CDC, State Department of Health, and/or Public Health Emergency Preparedness Agency [national, state or local community]).

3. For your specified crisis, describe applicable health and safety hazards of disasters and public health emergencies. 

4. Emergency preparedness brings up rights of the individual versus the good of all (ethics/social justice). Identify and discuss an issue from the course resources that illustrate this potential conflict related to your specified crisis.

5. As nurses you will be on the front line in emergency preparedness. Describe moral/ethical issues that may arise for you personally/professionally related to responding to crises? Refer to course content.

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