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View the TED Talk “5 Ways to Listen Better” by Julian Treasure (TEDGlobal, 2011). Next, complete the linked listening assessment. In light of Treasure’s

View the TED Talk “5 Ways to Listen Better” by Julian Treasure (TEDGlobal, 2011). Next, complete the linked listening assessment. In light of Treasure’s talk, respond to the following questions:

  • What do you find most interesting about the skill of listening?
  • Do you agree with Treasure’s warning about the dangers of losing the ability to listen?
  • What listening strategy presented by Treasure would you like to try?

Finally, in light of the assessment, share any personal listening goals you may have to improve your own listening skill. 

Be sure to respond to others. As a reminder, connect to a scholarly source beyond the TED Talk. 


TEDGlobal. (2011). 5 ways to listen better.

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