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Watch the “Bully” trailer, then refer to ASCA Ethical Standard A.9 Topic 6 resources. After reviewing the video and the ethical standard, explain the ways

Watch the “Bully” trailer, then refer to ASCA Ethical Standard A.9 Topic 6 resources.

After reviewing the video and the ethical standard, explain the ways in which a school counselor would address this ethical dilemma. What systemic interventions could a school counselor implement to address the risk of aggression toward others?

Be sure to cite and reference the ethical standard in your response, and include the APA citation.

This discussion question addresses the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.7.c. Procedures for assessing risk of aggression or danger to others, self-inflicted harm, or suicide.

5.G.2.n. Legal and ethical considerations specific to school counseling.

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