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Watch the classic film 12 Angry Men. Be sure to get the original black-and-white version starring Henry Fonda. Your assignment is to explain how various

Watch the classic film 12 Angry Men. Be sure to get the original black-and-white version starring Henry Fonda. Your assignment is to explain how various theories and research findings from 1) the study of social influence, and 2) the study of group processes are illustrated in this film. Be sure to discuss both social influence and group processes, but see note #3 below. You should choose examples from the film, describe the relevant social psychological theory or theories, and explain clearly how the examples you have chosen illustrate the theory or research finding.

How to Write a Good Paper

1. Do not rely on us to infer that you understand the material; instead, explain the relevant theory and integrate your example with it. A useful strategy would be to pretend that you are explaining the theory to someone who has never heard about it; that is, explain the theories and concepts in your own words.

2. When you discuss a theory, be sure to go beyond the definition to consider how, why, and when the theory operates. Great papers will also discuss the broader implications of these theories and findings (such as potential real-world implications).

3. More is not better. It is better to choose 2-3 theories and to illustrate them with really good examples (for example, 1 social influence theory and 1 group process theory) than to list all relevant examples from the film and describe them superficially. Be sure to explain each theory, how and when it works, and how it your examples illustrate it.

4. You should integrate material from textbook in your paper.  You may also find the chapter on persuasion to be helpful, but using materials from this chapter is not required. 

5. Be sure that the content of the paper is relevant to the assignment. A well- written paper that does not address the assigned topic will not receive a good grade.

6. You do not need to know the real names of the actors. Just be sure to provide enough information about each person so that we can follow the points you are making.

7. You do not need to provide a reference section for the paper .Format:3-4 pages long (not including cover page)double spaced No reference page necessary.

The location of Movie12 Angry Men Movie is found here———>>>>>  Pls see the attached rubric. 

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