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Week 4 – Assignment: Assess the Health Services Industry Structure This week, in your role as the Health Economics intern, you are assigned to the

Week 4 – Assignment: Assess the Health Services Industry Structure

This week, in your role as the Health Economics intern, you are assigned to the Health Economics and Statistics team responsible for the production of services at the regional clinic. You know that the services to be offered and the cost of those services are directly related to industry structure, the supply equation, and supply and demand elasticities.

For this assignment, complete the following steps to assess the health services industry structure:

1. Provide a general introduction to the topic by explaining what you are going to present, given the instructions below. 

2. Develop a position paper in which you discuss the production of health services and the effect market structure has on the production.

3. Demonstrate the impact of the two most frequently encountered models in health care, the monopoly and monopolistically competitive models.  Compare these two models with the perfectly competitive model to demonstrate how each affects consumers of healthcare goods and services. 

4. Identify and defend the industry structure you believe to be representative of the regional clinic.

5. Discuss the impact this model will have on the services offered at the clinic.   

6. Be sure to include the impact reimbursement from a variety of payors will have on service offerings. 

7. Conclude your presentation by providing a summary.

Length: 4-6 pages of narrative and at least two graphs demonstrating market structure.  By completing this assignment, you will be developing your competency in Analytical Thinking and Financial Skills.

References: 3 references. include one article from Becker’s Hospital Review

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