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Week 6 assignment Instructions Understanding Pearson’s r in Public Health You will

Week 6 assignment


Understanding Pearson’s r in Public Health

You will define how Pearson’s r is used in biostatistics. This internet exercise assignment should be at least 450 words and no more than 1-1/2 pages long, You will need to cite within the text and have a reference section in APA format (current edition) as well as adhere to standard writing for graduate level.  
Provide SPSS code used to generate Pearson’s r results. You may use our Household Data to produce these results. 

You must include your SPSS code and output in your submission.
  Simply create an appendix in the paper and place the code there. Remember these same statistical models could be used for the final paper.  For example, 
provide SPSS code (copy-paste) or share steps used to produce the correlation of variables of your choice.  Use this website to learn more about how to use 

 or refer to the Help section with your SPSS software. For example to find the correlation of a variable consider reviewing this step-by-step guide Pearson’s r. 

You must attach a paper containing your submission to this assignment so it can be checked via Turnitin. 

Step 1: You will define Pearson’s linear correlation and linear regression from your textbook and/or various sources first.  You are demonstrating that you understood the concept .You are going to define this in 2-3 sentences by using your textbook and/or other sources. 

Step 2
You are going to pick an article that utilized the concept of Pearson’s linear correlation and linear regression. You want to take a look at the following sites to select your article:

Journal of Public Health

European Journal of Public Health

American Journal of Epidemiology

The Journal of Infectious Diseases

Clinical Infectious Diseases

Health Promotion International


Go to the APUS library for other journals. 

Step 3: Thoroughly READ the article and TAKE notes.

Step 4: Complete the writing of your summary with a review of this article.  In your assessment of this article, you MUST provide how the researchers used the statistical concept in their research by doing the following: 1) Explain the sample (i.e., population used), 2) Summarize the statistical analysis and what software or analysis package was used and 3) Evaluate and describe the results and conclusions in your own words.  It is very important that you are able to paraphrase and apply critical thinking in each of these assignments.  

You MUST provide the statistics used in the research article and cannot simply state the researchers used the statistical concept.  This can be done by providing the results or figures, graphs, tables, etc.

Please make sure you cite within the text in APA format (current edition) and have a reference section!

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