Week 6: Blog 2 Discussion Topic: Week 6: Blog 2Week 6: Blog 2 Back to Week at a Glance Positive Social

Week 6: Blog 2

Discussion Topic: Week 6: Blog 2Week 6: Blog 2

Back to Week at a Glance

Positive Social Change 

Social Change is at the core of Walden’s mission as a university. The sociological definition of social change is the “transformation of culture, behavior, social institutions, and social structure over time (University of Minnesota, 2016).” However, Walden University’s mission of social change is even more succinct. It is “people working to improve the lives of others (Walden University, n.d.).” As a DNP-prepared nurse, examples of the kinds of positive social change you might advocate for include implementation of policy that decreases infection rates in a vulnerable population, organizational change to provide immunizations for older adults with limited access to insurance, or respite activities for the staff during work hours.

As an advanced practice nurse, you are and will continue to serve as an agent of change in all you do. Think about the positive impacts you have on patient care, the organization for which you work, the communities you serve, and even the field of nursing in the largest sense. Consider the ways in which earning the DNP degree will support you in your advocacy for positive social change and your commitment to fostering innovation for change in nursing practice.


University of Minnesota. (2016). 
Sociology: 20.1 understanding social change.

Walden University. (n.d.). 
5 things that everyone should know about social change.  


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


Learning Resources

PDF Creation Resources

· Lacoma, T. (2024, February 20). 

How to save a webpage as a PDF on desktop and mobileLinks to an external site.
. Digital Trends Media Group.

· Microsoft. (n.d.). 

Save an Outlook message as a .eml file, a PDF file, or as a draftLinks to an external site.

· Apple. (n.d.). 

Save emails as files or PDFs in Mail on MacLinks to an external site.

Practicum Resources

Meditrek Resources

Ethics Resources

· Clark, K., Rödlach, A., Ballesteros, M., Davis, R., Holmes, L., Miller, J., Minnich, M., & Schultz, A. (2024). 
The role of doctor of nursing practice programs’ mission, vision, and values statements in the development of students’ professional identity: A qualitative studyLinks to an external site.
Nurse Education Today, 134, Article 106096.

· Fornili, K. S. (2022). 
Expanded conceptual framework for ethical action by nurses on the “further upstream and farther downstream” determinants of health equityLinks to an external site.
Journal of Addictions Nursing, 33(3), 203–214.

· Green, C. (2022). 
Applying the Nightingale pledge in reducing health disparities: A hospital-acquired pressure injury case studyLinks to an external site.
Advances in Skin and Wound Care, 35(3), 180–183.

· Khaghanizadeh M, Koohi A, Ebadi A, Vahedian-Azimi A. (2023). 
The effect and comparison of training in ethical decision-making through lectures and group discussions on moral reasoning, moral distress and moral sensitivity in nurses: A clinical randomized controlled trialLinks to an external site.. 
BMC Medical Ethics, 24, Article 58.

· Torkaman, M., Heydari, N., & Torabizadeh, C. (2020). 
Nurses’ perspectives regarding the relationship between professional ethics and organizational commitment in healthcare organizationsLinks to an external site.
Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 13(17), 1–10.

Social Change Resources

· Abu, V. K., & Moorley, C. R. (2023). 
Social justice in nursing education: A review of the literatureLinks to an external site.
Nurse Education Today, 126, Article 105825.

· Johanson, L., Urso, P. P., & Priode, K. (2022). 
Factors influencing the development of social change involvementLinks to an external site.
Journal of Excellence in Nursing and Healthcare Practice, 4(1).

· Walden University. (n.d.). 

Social changeLinks to an external site.

· Walden University Center for Social Change. (n.d.). 

Scholars of changeLinks to an external site.
Note: The approximate length is 15 minutes combined for these media pieces.

SDOH Resources

· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, December 8). 

Social determinants of health (SDOH)Links to an external site.

· Davis S. (2022). 
The evolving role of social determinants of health to advance health equityLinks to an external site.. In D. Seibert, B. Malone, & P. DeLeon (Eds.), 
Shaping nursing healthcare policy: A view from the inside (pp. 1–102). Academic Press.

· National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2021). 

The future of nursing 2020–2030: Charting a path to achieve health equityLinks to an external site.
. National Academies Press.

·  Reising, V., Diegel-Vacek, L., Dadabo, L., Martinez, M., Moore, K., & Corbridge, S. (2022). 
Closing the gap: Collaborative care addresses social determinants of healthLinks to an external site..
 Nurse Practitioner, 47(4), 41–47.

· Walden Library. (n.d.). 

What are the social determinants of healthLinks to an external site.

· Walden University. (n.d.). 

Social determinants of health: Understanding vision health equityLinks to an external site.

· World Health Organization. (2022). 

Social determinants of healthLinks to an external site.

Optional Resources

· Bryant, S. G. (2023). 
Screening for social determinants of health in transitional care patients and partnering with the faith community to address food insecurityLinks to an external site.
Professional Case Management, 28(5), 235–242.

· Davis, S. (2023). 
Leadership for meaningful transformation: The National League for Nursing/Walden University College of Nursing Institute for Social Determinants of Health and Social ChangeLinks to an external site.
Nursing Education Perspectives, 44(6), 384–385.

· Sheingold, S. H., Zuckerman, R. B., De Lew, N., & Chappel, A. (2023). 
Social determinants of health, quality of public health data, and health equity in the United StatesLinks to an external site.
American Journal of Public Health, 113(12), 1301–1308.


To prepare:

· Review the Learning Resources that address the importance and value of being an agent of social change.

· Reflect on your personal and professional commitment to advocacy for patients, communities, and the nursing profession.

· Think about the role of the DNP-prepared nurse as an agent of positive social change.

· Consider how, as a DNP-prepared nurse, you will advocate for positive social change and have a positive impact on your patients, communities, and the nursing profession.

By Day 3 of Week 6

Address the following in your Blog entry:

· Describe the role of the DNP-prepared nurse as an agent of positive social change.

· Describe how you intend to demonstrate your commitment to positive social change as a DNP-prepared nurse.

· Explain how you will be an agent of social change and have a positive impact on your patients, communities, and the nursing profession. Be specific and provide examples.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ entries.

Note: Be sure to review the grading rubric for this Blog so you fully understand what is expected of you. To access the rubric, click on the three dots that appear at the upper right of the Blog assignment page, then choose, “Show Rubric.”

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the 
Reply button to complete



DNP As an Agent of Change

A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree is a terminal degree representing the highest level of nursing practice education. It prepares nurse leaders to apply research and improve healthcare outcomes, emphasizing leadership development and skills in clinical settings to improve care systems and influence healthcare policy change (AACN, 2004).

As a prospective DNP-prepared nurse specializing in psychiatry and mental nursing, I am not just committed to positive social change, I am its driving force. I am on course to work in a clinical setting where the change I envision can become a reality.

I was born and raised in a community where mental Illness is not considered a disease but a punishment from God, the result of the ill person’s involvement in witchcraft or a voodoo placed on the ill person by an adversary or a jealous loved one (Chukwuma, el at., 2024).  

The current mental illness crisis in Liberia is not just a pressing issue, it’s an urgent one that demands immediate attention. On a recent mission trip to Liberia, I observed alarming rates of mental illness among healthcare providers. A team survey revealed that 58% of nurses who attended the competencies skill session were experiencing major depression, anxiety, or panic attacks. These nurses did not think of their symptoms as illnesses, but worried about the future of their families. This is a crisis that cannot be ignored.                 

According to the WHO (2016), one in five Liberians faces mild to moderate mental illness, yet the country has only one psychiatrist on record and one government-operated psychiatric hospital. The mental illness crisis in Liberia is extreme to ignore; in demonstrating my commitment to positive social change as a specialized psychiatric DNP-prepared nurse, I plan to return to Liberia equipped to care clinically for the deserted mental health population with the integration of stakeholders such as the government of Liberia and Nonprofit Organizations (NGOs).

            To improve the mental health crisis in Liberia, I plan to leverage my training as a psychiatric DNP-prepared nurse and implement the following intervention.

1. Fostering collaboration among stakeholders to implement mental health improvements.

2. Reducing stigma through community outreach, education, and media.

3. Training Community Health Workers to provide preliminary mental health care and referrals.

4. Advocating for mental health inclusion in national healthcare priorities.

5. Utilizing telemedicine to connect Liberians with global mental health expertise.

6. Leverage technology, including telemedicine, from experts’ mental health providers.

I will implore stakeholders and the public to be instrumental in accomplishing the goal of illness reduction. Their involvement is not just important, it’s crucial in meeting illness reduction. Through these efforts, I am committed to addressing the urgent mental health needs in Liberia with the help of the Liberian people.



Chukwuma, O., Ezeani, E., Fatoye, E. O., Benjamin, J., Okobi, O. E., Nwume, C. G., & Egberuare, E. N. (2024). A systematic review of the effect of stigmatization on psychiatric illness outcomes. 
to an external site.

The essential update. AACN. (2004). 
to an external site.  

World Health Organization. (2016). 
Mental Health Services in Liberia: Building back better. World Health Organization. 
to an external site.  




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