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Week 8 – Signature Assignment: Summarize Healthcare Strategic Management of Marketing Initiatives For this assignment, as the

Week 8 – Signature Assignment: Summarize Healthcare Strategic Management of Marketing Initiatives

For this assignment, as the CEO of Hospital G, you will create a voice-over PowerPoint presentation for a future board meeting to summarize the actions taken to regain market share, improve patient communication and satisfaction, and to improve clinical quality services in areas that fell below identified thresholds.  To view PowerPoint presentation creations, go to the Course Resources module in the table of contents and click on Supplemental Resources and Creating Videos in Kaltura link.

Length: 12-15 slides,
including title and reference slides, with 150 words in the notes section for each slide

References: A minimum of 5 scholarly references is required for this assignment.

Your PowerPoint presentation will contain the following information:

 A title slide containing the topic of your presentation and your name and position as the chief executive officer; include the current date (1 slide).

 Your perspective as CEO of the environmental factors affecting the growth and financial outlook of healthcare organizations (Week 1-A1) (1-2 slides).

 Your table depicting the 5 Ps in marketing and your explanation of each P (Week 1-A2) (1 slide).

 Your synthesis of stakeholder behavior and its effect on healthcare market share and patient loyalty (Week 2-A1) (1 slide).

 Your table depicting the PLC and marketing strategies at each stage with your synthesis of how and when this analysis should be conducted (Week 2-A2) (1 slide).

 Your synthesized perception on your hospital observation and feedback from colleagues in The Commons (Week 3-A1&2) (1 slide).

 Your overview as CEO of the issues facing your organization: the decline in patient satisfaction (HCAHPS), the decline in demand for services (PLC Stage 4), and the decline in clinical quality compared to national scores (Hospital Compare). Provide a synopsis of how these issues affect the reputation, image, growth, market share, competitiveness, and financial outlook of the organization (Week 4) (3 slides total).

 Your table of issues, conditions, alternative strategies, and expected results from each strategy (Week 5). Provide your rationale for the identified strategies (1-2 slides).

 Your analysis of the community profile (Week 6) (1 slide).

 Your marketing plan including your Marketing Communication table and your synthesis of-of your marketing segment, target audience, and plan to reach the target (Week 7) (1 slide).

 Insert a slide depicting the balanced scorecard and bullet the expected outcomes in each of the four areas of evaluation.

 A reference slide (1 slide).

Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.

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