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What are the prospects for rehabilitating offenders? Should we assume that all offenders can be rehabilitated?   Write a thoughtful and thorough post. Your

What are the prospects for rehabilitating offenders? Should we assume that all offenders can be rehabilitated?


Write a thoughtful and thorough post. Your post must be posted by April 29, no later than 10:00 PM.

There is a minimum 300-word requirement to discuss your response thoroughly. Be sure you properly cite your sources and any other academic sources you might reference. In-text citations should give the author(s) last name and page number of the publication, and a bibliography at the end of your discussion must be included. These references and citations are not included in the word count. Consult your syllabus for 
discussion board guidelines that you must follow. Also, I will be grading your posts for grammar, sentence structure, and thoroughness.

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