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Working historians are expected to “publish or perish.” In 750-1,000 words, develop a plan for publication of your final Research Paper. Create an outline

Working historians are expected to “publish or perish.” In 750-1,000 words, develop a plan for publication of your final Research Paper. Create an outline of your plan that includes:

  1. A marketable “elevator speech” about your research. In this short paragraph, introduce the topic and what it adds to the larger conversations going on in that particular field (minimum of 150-200 words).
  2. Where would you go to conduct your research (online/in person) to enrich the work that you’ve completed so far? Develop a mini-research trip itinerary that addresses aspects of your work that you would do to make your paper publish-ready.
  3. Research, writing, and editing timeline. Account for the various steps in the process that would elevate your paper from school assignment to publish-ready.
  4. Development of a support network. Who is going to assist you along the path to publication (proofreader, editor, objective critics, encouragers, etc.)?
  5. How will you fund your research? Examine fellowships, grants and other funding sources.
  6. Finding an appropriate publisher
  7. Submission to publisher

While Turabian style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using Turabian formatting guidelines, which can be found in the Turabian Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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