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Wright Journal 1 Completion requirements  Directions Write a one-paragraph summary of key lessons and takeaways

Wright Journal 1

Completion requirements


Write a one-paragraph summary of key lessons and takeaways from the Wright text this week.  The goal of the summary is to connect the reading with your area of ministry. 

You will submit journal entries 1 – 3 at the end of Week 4. Therefore, be sure you save this journal entry in a place where you can add to it in subsequent weeks.

Wright Journal 2

Completion requirements


Write a one-paragraph summary of key lessons and takeaways from the Wright text this week. The goal of the summary is to connect the reading with your area of ministry. 

Wright Journal: Entries 1 – 3


Complete journal entry 3. Write a one-paragraph summary of key lessons and takeaways from the Wright text this week. The goal of the summary is to interconnect the reading with your area of ministry. 

Submit journal entries 1 – 3 in a single document here. The entries should be based on the following chapters of Wright’s 
The Complete Guide to Crisis & Trauma Counseling

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