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write a well developed essay using this outline and works cited page Thesis- The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technology has sparked fears

write a well developed essay using this outline and works cited page

Thesis- The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technology has sparked fears about its potential to disrupt traditional employment structures, leading to job displacement and economic instability in various sectors

I. IntroductionA. Defining AI and automationB. Rising concerns about AI’s impact on jobs and the economy

II. Potential job displacements by AIA. Automation of tasks and roles traditionally performed by humansB. Job loss and unemployment C. Impact on manufacturing, retail, and customer serviceIII. Current economic repercussions of AIA. Widening gap between skilled and unskilled workersB. Potential effects on economic growth and productivity IV. Strategies and solutions to address the impacts of AI on jobs and the economyA. Promotion of collaboration between humans and AIB. Education training programs to prepare the workforce for AI integrationV. ConclusionA. Revisit key points regarding the concerns of AI’s impact on jobs, humans, and the economyB. Planning ahead to mitigate AI and automation impact

                                                            Works Cited 

Furman, J., & Seamans, R. “AI and the Economy. Innovation policy and the economy” 2019(1), 161-191

London. “Automation and Anxiety” The Economist, 25 June 2016, 413-419

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