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Write summaries for your Paper 1 sources. See the Paper 1 prompt for assistance.

Write summaries for your Paper 1 sources.

See the Paper 1 prompt for assistance.


See the Paper 1 Reading List to find the other articles you need.



· Have three new sources.

· Choose two more articles from the ones provided. 

· One of these articles must be a study.

· Find another source yourself, keeping in mind the expectations of college writing.

· Write the summary of the non-journal source from the provided list and the one source you found.

· Use copilot to write summaries for all three.

· Write a new and improved summary for the two sources you summarized, using the help provided by copilot.

· When you have completed the assignment, you will have  a total of seven summaries (you will have three different ones for two of the sources).

· Only use copilot AI where assigned. 

· Do not use any available abstracts.

· Do not use any quotes. 

· Submit all of these summaries as a word file.

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