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Writing Project # 2: Descriptive Narration Essay COM 088 /Spring 2024 Mr. Almanza Grade Weight: 122 points Length: Your essay must contain an introductory

Writing Project # 2: Descriptive
Narration Essay
COM 088 /Spring 2024
Mr. Almanza

Grade Weight: 122 points

Length: Your essay must contain an introductory paragraph, three body
paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

1. Your introduction paragraph must be at least 5 sentences
long. Note: do not use the word you.

2. Your thesis statement does not need to be the final
sentence in paragraph 1. PLEASE: BOLD the thesis
statement wherever you place it or I will treat your last
sentence in Paragraph 1 in your thesis statement.

3. Your 3 body paragraphs are to be 8 – 12 sentences. PLEASE:
BOLD your topic sentences in your body paragraphs.
Remember, your topic sentences don’t have to be the first
sentence of your body paragraphs; however, if you don’t bold
your topic sentences, your first sentence of your body
paragraphs will be treated as your topic sentence.

4. The conclusion paragraph must be at least 5 sentences long.
PLEASE: Bold your summary statement in this paragraph.

The Essay Topic I chose is My Summer Trip To Egypt

I visited Egypt In The Summer Of 2015

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