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YENROSE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Answer them separately 1. How has technology affected your life? Be specific as to what changes, and in what ways. 2.


1. How has technology affected your life? Be specific as to what changes, and in what ways.

2. Do you believe the long-term consequences of increased technological dependence are going to be good or bad? Explain. How do you see technology’s effect on society 20 years from now?


1. Identify the four types of listening styles and provide a brief explanation of each style. Which style best describes you? Explain why.

2. Amy is a newer employee who completes her work on time and generally meets sales goals; however, she often seems disinterested during team meetings. As her manager When you, as her manager, speak to Amy one-on-one, her responses to your feedback points sometimes seem dismissive, even when you compliment her on a job well done. Other employees have mentioned not wanting to work with Amy due to her tepid demeanor. You want to address your concerns with this employee to determine if there is a problem but are unsure of how to proceed. Using the Class Resources, describe how attribution may be impacting your perception and explain how you can best address the issue.

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