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You will conduct an interview with a professional from a field of interest to you. You will prepare in advance a list of 12-15 questions, taken from

You will conduct an interview with a professional from a field of interest to you. You will
prepare in advance a list of 12-15 questions, taken from the class handout (It is OK to
include a few of your own too), about the person’s background (education, prior
experiences, career path), current position (responsibilities, challenges, best aspects of
the position), future goals, and advice to you regarding opportunities within this field.
Remember, phone or zoom interviews are acceptable, but you cannot conduct an
interview via email or chat!

If you have trouble locating someone to interview by early March, please bring this to
my attention.

This assignment is due at the end of Week 8, 5/26/24.

This assignment has four components:

1. Conduct a 15 to 20-minute informational interview with someone from
your field of interest.

2. Include a minimum of 10 questions asked and your interviewee’s
responses. (1-2 pages)

3. Write a summary of what you learned in the interview and how you may
use this contact or information as you plan your course of study at PSU, and
consider your own career path. (1-2 pages)

4. Write a thank you note or email to your interviewee. Attach a copy or
photo of the thank you, and include it with to your final paper. (1 page)

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