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You will explore the potential benefits and concerns associated with companion robots designed for the elderly, particularly for healthcare management.

You will explore the potential benefits and concerns associated with companion robots designed for the elderly, particularly for healthcare management. You will study various companion robots for older adults, investigate their advantages and risks, and propose recommendations for designing a perfect companion robot for the elderly. Your recommendations should amplify benefits, minimize challenges, and include strategies for marketing the proposed companion robots to the elderly.

Your task is to identify and scrutinize the utility of various companion robots for older adults. This investigation process should involve an exhaustive review of currently available technologies, their functionalities, and their impacts on the elderly population’s quality of life

Using the following and the information in the file attached:


– Robot for patient’s with dementia 

– Robot will have a screen as a face design with different expressions of emotions

– Robot will be big

– Robot will have a set price plus a yearly subscription rate based on the dementia level

– This Robot will help with medication, lifting patient assistance, location services, and interactive conversation

– This robot will send an alert to family member if patient leaves the home location

– Budget for this robot is $30,000-35,000 plus annual subscription

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