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Your final exam in this course is a research presentation, , 8-9 minute presentations, . You will submit a proposal, including: proposed country/territory

Your final exam in this course is a research presentation, , 8-9 minute presentations, . You will submit a proposal, including: proposed country/territory (this part is already done)

How to choose a country/location: ideally, choose a place where there is research about conflict but not one that we have covered extensively in class. You may read “conflict” as war, but it could also be environmental, poverty-driven, or another form of disruption to people’s everyday lives (for example, the case of earthquakes in Haiti).(done and file is attached )

Your presentation should include the following: 

  1. Introduction – *brief* historical overview of the conflict (1-2 minutes) (What are the primary causes and mitigating factors?)
  2. Gendered dimensions of the conflict – this could impact women, men, or LGBTQ+ folks (2 minutes)
  3. Sources/topics/themes to explain conflict and its repercussions (include themes from class such as militarism, fundamentalism, education, femicide, rape as a tool of war, civil society, etc.) (2 minutes) You must use terms from class discussions, lectures, and/or readings to frame your presentation, and cite them on the “works cited” page at the end of your presentation. If you use terms from lectures or discussions, you can simply say that in the presentation – no need to cite.
  4. Testimonials or stories from real people that capture the real-life impact (2 minutes) You should be able to find these in news articles, on social media, in blog posts and/or poetry, short stories, or fiction from that country.
  5. What NGOs/feminist groups are doing on the ground (1-2 minutes)
  6. Conclusion- what did you learn about the role of gender in conflict in this country and this class?

Audio, video clips, and interactive activities are welcome, as long as they fit into the time.

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