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3 references Alterations in Cellular Processes > Use this information to answer the questions on the Rubric      

3 references

Alterations in Cellular Processes > Use this information to answer the questions on the Rubric  

    C.M. is a 22-year-old male patient who presents to the clinic for allergy immunotherapy “allergy shots”. 

    He was given the the IM medication and waited 30 minutes to leave the center.  As the patient is leaving, he begins to complain of having difficulty swallowing, nausea, and feeling weak. 

    His vitals are 100/76, HR 120, Resp 24, O2 sat 95%. 

    The patient is now sitting in a tripod position on the table.        




Using this Case Study, post an explanation of the disease presented. In addition, include the following information:

1. Role of Genetics

2. Why the patient presented with the symptoms to the ED

3. What was the physiology response and why did the response occur?

4. Which cell are involved in this process (Allergic reaction)

5. How other characteristics would change your response.


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