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Article From chapter 14 of your textbook, describe three of the following family systems therapy interventions: joining, boundary setting,


From chapter 14 of your textbook, describe three of the following family systems therapy interventions: joining, boundary setting, unbalancing, reframing, ordeals, paradoxical interventions, and enactments.

· Describe the following 

only so far as you feel comfortable sharing
: If you divided your family of origin into subsystems, who would be in the parental subsystem? The sibling subsystem? What rules and boundaries were set around each subsystem? Were the boundaries ever crossed? By whom and with what result? What were common interactional sequences in your family? Who had the power in your family, and how was it exercised? Who was aligned with whom, and what did they use that alignment to achieve? 

This discussion post requires only one scholarly source, your textbook, but it might be helpful to find a second scholarly article to help you discuss the information.

Chapter 14 reference is :

Corey, G. (2023). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (11th ed). Cengage

My family of origin was my great aunt as both my mother and father died at early stage of my life. My aunt along with her daughter played a significant role in my life as far as my upbringing. My grandmother, as I was told wanted no part in the upbringing of my 3 siblings(brothers) and I.

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