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Biological agents have long been feared in warfare for the potential to cause mass casualties and fatalities when weaponized. The anthrax attacks following

Biological agents have long been feared in warfare for the potential to cause mass casualties and fatalities when weaponized. The anthrax attacks following the devasting events of September 11, 2001, showed the effectiveness of bioterror (BT) agents even when they do not result in mass casualties and fatalities. The fear of an attack using BT agents is often enough to cause panic, making them an ideal asset for terrorists. Using the unit readings and your own research, choose one (1) of the following BT agents: 

  • Clostridium botulinum
  • Yersenia pestis
  • Varielo virus
  • Ebola virus
  • Zika virus

The History of Plague – Part 1. The Three Great Pandemics

The History of Plague Pt 2. The discoveries of the plague Bacillus and its Vector

What makes this an effective agent in terms of mass casualty and fatality? What are the strengths and limitations of this agent as a weapon? Using the public response to the Covid-19 infection ( i.e., decisions whether or not to wear masks, social distance, voluntary and involuntary travel ban adherence, isolation and quarantine, etc.), discuss the roles these behaviors play in affecting the number of casualties and fatalities.

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