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Description College of Health Sciences Department of Public Health HCM 213-ASSIGNMENT Course name: Financial Management for Healthcare Course


College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Course name:
Financial Management for Healthcare
Course number:
Assignment Question
Define lease financing and types of Leases, Discuss the
benefits and drawbacks associated with each
type of lease. (5 Marks)
Provide examples of healthcare assets commonly leased
and why might healthcare facilities prioritize Equipment
leasing over purchasing explain with reasons. (5 Marks)
Student name:
Students Id Number:
Submission date:
Instructor name:
Dr Shaima Miraj

Font should be 12 Times New Roman

Heading should be Bold

Colour should be Black

Line spacing should be 1.5

Use proper references in APA style


Due date: April 18, 2024 @ 11:59 PM

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