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file below  DEMAND SUPPLY INCLASS II For each of the factors listed on the left column, put a check mark on the

file below 


For each of the factors listed on the left column, put a check mark on the appropriate cell to indicate the effect of the event on Supply and Demand and equilibrium Price and Quantity (Use arrow up/down to indicate increase/decrease). Use the graph to indicate shifts/movement along Supply (from So to ..) and Demand (from Do to …) Curve


Quantity Demanded


Quantity Supplied









Price of Good X

Shift and Taste Taste and Preferences away from good X

Decrease in producer excise taxes on Good X

Government imposes costly new requirements of producers of Good X

Increase in Consumer Income (Good X Normal)

Cost of material used to make good X increases

Decrease in the Price of Good Y, Y is a substitute good to X

Buyers expect price of Good X to increase in the near future

Government imposes costly new requirements of producers of Good X

Price P





Quantity Q

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