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help 1 LTEA 120C Hong Kong Films HongKong Cinema Through a Global Lens Spring 2024 Comparative Analysis Please write a well-organized essay of



LTEA 120C Hong Kong Films
HongKong Cinema Through a Global Lens

Spring 2024

Comparative Analysis

Please write a well-organized essay of about 800-1000 words that
presents a clear argument and comparative analysis of two primary sources. Please focus on
doing a close comparative reading of two Hong Kong films of your choice. You may choose two
films by the same director or featuring the same actor, or you may choose to compare two very
different films. It is important that you relate your close readings of the two films you are
focusing on to key themes and concepts that we are discussing in this class. You should also
engage the ideas in at least one secondary source. Please submit your complete, correctly
formatted essay。

When writing your essay please keep the following in mind:
1. Construct a clear, well-rounded thesis / argument.
2. Analyze and discuss TWO (2) primary sources (films) within the framework of

your central thesis / argument.
3. Integrate and engage ideas in at least ONE (1) secondary source of relevant

scholarship or theory. Be sure to acknowledge the author and title of the text(s) you
are referring to.

4. Follow correct formatting guidelines (MLA or Chicago Manual of Style) for all
references and bibliography (list of works cited).

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