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In Watch: What is a Ph.D.?,

Watch: What is a Ph.D.?,

read-Psychology and Christianity : Five Views

by Eric L. Johnson, , David G. Myers, , Stanton L. Jones, , Robert C. Roberts, , P. J. Watson, , John H. Coe, , Todd W. Hall, , and David A. Powlison


InterVarsity Press




we explored the concept of being a thought leader. As you think about your degree program and the areas of research you are most interested in, where do you feel led to become a “thought leader”? In discussion this week, please answer the following questions:

1. What are your reactions to the concept of being a thought leader in some area?

2. What area of research within psychology are you most interested in researching & developing expertise?

3. As you think of that research area, what do you think needs more scientific study?\



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