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Include the following sections in your submission: Title Page-  Table of Contents & Executive Summary Introduction-  Background of Business

Include the following sections in your submission:

  • Title Page- 
  1. Table of Contents &
  2. Executive Summary
  • Introduction-
  1.  Background of Business Dilemma 
  2. Statement of the Problem(s) 
  3. Purpose of the Study 
  4. Research Questions 
  5. Literature Review 
  6. Research Methodology, Design, and Methods – Methodology, Research Design, Hypotheses, Research Questions, Methods, Data Collection.
  • Data Analysis 
  • Findings 
  • Recommendations 
  • Conclusion 
  • References 
  • Appendices

Please follow the Unit VII project template to complete your assignment & refer to the Course Project Guidance document for help. 

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than three pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

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