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Individual Assignment #2 MADM480 Answer the Question(s) listed below in APA format using references to include the textbook and other outside references.

Individual Assignment #2


Answer the Question(s) listed below in APA format using references to include the textbook

and other outside references. Be sure you cite in your answers to avoid the possibility of

plagiarism. Be sure to include your references at the end of your answers.

Please keep your assignment to 1000 words maximum and be sure that you meet the

requirements for the Turnitin threshold of 20% or less. Copying and/or sharing answers in

any format is strictly prohibited and will be considered a violation of the LSUS Code of

Student Conduct, MBA Honor Code, and copyright law. Be sure your work is strictly yours!


After reading Chapter Five and learning more on why and how a SWOT is useful to an

organization, choose an organization that you are familiar with. It does not have to be in

the auto industry. Conduct a brief SWOT analysis on the organization. Once you have

completed your SWOT analysis, explain your organization’s results and what the

organization can do to gain competitive advantage, if it is not already reached. If your

organization has reached the level of competitive advantage, explain why.


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