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Military and Professional Bearing INSTRUCTIONS: Informative Essay, NO FIRST PERSON Introduction 1st paragraph Body 2nd-4th paragraphs Conclusion 5th

Military and Professional Bearing

INSTRUCTIONS: Informative Essay, NO FIRST PERSON Introduction 1st paragraph Body 2nd-4th paragraphs Conclusion 5th paragraph 3 or less sentences 5-6 references 80% from you 20% references intext citation length 750-1250 words NO MORE THAN 1250 words Army writing style and standard written English

Informative Essay, NO FIRST PERSON Introduction 1st paragraph Body 2nd-4th paragraphs Conclusion 5th paragraph 3 or less sentences 5-6 references 80% from you 20% references intext citation length 750-1250 words NO MORE THAN 1250 words Army writing style and standard written English

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