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Module 01 Content Submit a paper which compares and contrasts two mental health theories: You may choose your theories from

Module 01 Content

Submit a paper which compares and contrasts two mental health theories:

You may choose your theories from the textbook or from other sources.

Describe each theory, including some history about the person who developed the theory and the major ideas and applications of the theory.

Describe the ways in which the two theories are similar, and how they differ.

Include a statement of how each theory could be used in your nursing practice. Include specific patient examples if you have them. You may also critique the theory: Is there anything with which you disagree or are there any problems you can identify?

It is expected that this essay will be 2-3 pages in length (not including the title page), double-spaced. Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion and proper APA citations from any source material you use, including your text.

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