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Need help with making a mental health poster. Overview Combating low quality information with scientific evidence is a

Need help with making a mental health poster.


Combating low quality information with scientific evidence is a challenge faced by most human services professionals. Posters can be used to provide easy-to-digest facts in a visually appealing way, as an aid to challenging flawed information. The objective of this assignment is to communicate persuasively and succinctly to a general audience. Create a poster debunking a myth about a mental health disorder.


one of the following:

· Bad parenting causes psychological disorders. Focus on anxiety disorders or schizophrenia.

· Depression is caused by personal weakness. Focus on major depressive disorder or bipolar disorders.

· Electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT) is cruel or barbaric. Focus on major depressive disorder or bipolar disorders.

· Or choose another myth you know about one of the psychological disorders.

Find one flawed source of information on the internet. To find a flawed source, look for one with a substantial number of errors.

· Read what the textbook says about the myth.

· Use the myth you chose and use it as your search word/phrase.

· If you don’t see a flawed source on the first page of results, skip to the 3rd page of results or further.

· Look for sources that are not accurate based on the information in your textbook.

· Tips for finding flawed sources:

· Scroll through your social media feeds.

· Scroll through your results and look for sources that 
are not:

· .gov websites.

· News or press websites.

In the Capella library, find one peer-reviewed journal article about the mental health disorder.


Create a poster in MS Word that includes:

· Identify the chosen myth about mental health or a specific disorder.

· Identify the flawed source of information related to the myth.

· Describe the psychological disorder, including the key symptoms.

· Relate the actions of the mind and body to psychological health.

· Describe the mechanism and/or actions in the brain that lead to the symptoms of the disorder.

· Explain the research you found regarding the disorder.

· Brief mention of findings and the population the results can be generalized to.

· Explain the actions of a medication used to treat the psychological disorder.

· Describe the biological details of how it works.

· Provide an alternative explanation based on perceived flaws in behavioral claims in the overall message.

Use visual elements that support the main points.

Submission Requirements

Written communication: Written communication is in professional style with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Resources: Use a minimum of three sources: your flawed source, your textbook, and one peer-reviewed journal article

APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

· Refer to 

Academic WriterLinks to an external site.
 for guidance in using proper APA style. See the 

Evidence and APALinks to an external site.
 section of the Writing Center for instructions on accessing and using Academic Writer.

Length: One single-spaced, typed page.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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