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Part 3 Part 3 should provide a look at the future state of your topic. You can include things like: · What are the developments

Part 3

Part 3 should provide a look at the future state of your topic. You can include things like:

· What are the developments in technology regarding this topic?

· How is this technology/threat expected to change in the future?

· Are there government laws being created that will help control this topic?

· What is the future anticipated growth/shrinkage of the threats regarding this topic?

· Closing thoughts:

· What were you surprised to learn about this topic?

· How does this topic impact your everyday life?

· Are you glad or sorry that you chose this topic to research?


You should be shooting for a minimum of 1,000 words in font size 12 Times New Roman text. Bibliography and other supplemental materials do not count towards the word count.

You do not need a title page, but you must fully document your sources in
APA format

Links to an external site.

including in-text citations. You must select high-quality research sources. If you have any questions about whether a source is “high-quality”, please ask me before you rely on it. You may choose to use any format that you choose for your research paper so long as it is easily readable. You will submit the research paper in Canvas as a
Microsoft Word document or
Adobe PDF.

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