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Please see files attached Students are to compare and contrast the Human Relations and the Human Resources approaches to organizational

Please see files attached

Students are to compare and contrast the Human Relations and the Human Resources approaches to organizational communications as portrayed in the assigned textbook.    Essay papers require a Cover Sheet that includes your name/student number,  Course Number (MGT 5106),  Title of Your Paper, and date of submission to upload to the Canvas Assignments tab.    Standard essay paper format to include an Introduction,  Body/Narrative, and Conclusion section.   In the Intro section of your paper, state the purpose of your paper and confirm that the assigned textbook was the primary source of info used to write the paper.   In the body/narrative of the paper, succinctly and pointedly compare and contrast the Human Relations and Human Resources approaches.   In the conclusion section of your paper, state whether one or the other approach appears to you to better explain organizational communications.   Total points available:  50.   Submit on/before the specified due date for this writing assignment.    

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