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Please see the attached file for the instructions of the report and powerpoint. 2 Develop a business case for an information technology 

Please see the attached file for the instructions of the report and powerpoint.


Develop a business case for an information technology 
innovation Davinci Surgical System. In this assignment, the main objective is to explain the applications and features of a NEW technology to a business investor or a company and defend it using some criteria. 

Next, develop 
a business case that explains why your chosen technology (Davinci Surgical System )is a worthwhile investment. This could include a 
cost-benefit analysis, a SWOT analysis, and an explanation of how the technology aligns with the company’s strategic goals or why it is a 
profitable investment for a potential investor. You may also want to discuss any potential 
risks and challenges associated with adopting the technology. To make your case even stronger, consider using some criteria to support your claims. This might include factors such as the technology’s potential market size, its competitive advantage over existing solutions, its potential to disrupt the industry, its scalability and ease of implementation, and its potential return on investment.

The required criteria and items for the new technology presentation:

Pick an audience for your presentation (it can be an investor or a company)

Briefly describe the industry context and any specific problem needing a technology solution.  

Your technology solution: explain the innovative features: why is it an innovation? What is new about it?

Competitive analysis: why is it better than other alternatives?

How do you solve current issues using the new technology (any new business model or workflow?)

Why is it a reasonable investment? For instance, is managerial revenue more than costs? 

Do a Feasibility study (Cost and benefit analysis)

Break-even point (estimated)

Defensible in a management meeting (Provide some statistics, financial and nonfinancial evidence, and proof in order to defend the technology in front of the management team. For instance, providing quantitative data to show how the technology can reduce errors and improve productivity?)

Consider the challenges and drivers.

Adoption and implementation issues

Create a PowerPoint presentation for this case with all the information.

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