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PSYC 515 SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric Tests Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment assesses your ability to

PSYC 515

SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric Tests Assignment Instructions


This assignment assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret research designs common to the field of psychology. The specific focus in this assignment is on designs involving dependent groups. The goal is to equip you with the tools needed to be a competent and productive consumer and producer of research in the field of psychology.


Download the
SPSS Worksheet: Nonparametric Tests Template as a word document. Do not delete or modify the template, except to insert your answers where indicated. Use graduate-level writing skills and format using current APA conventions. Upload the completed file as a word document or PDF by its due date.

Please refer to grading rubric for point values.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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