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see attached  BUSI 675 Application Assignment Instructions Overview

see attached 

BUSI 675

Application Assignment Instructions


Each application assignment is a comprehensive experiential learning experience and is directly related to business analysis and decision-making. The student will complete four application assignments (4).


Each assignment must be a minimum of 3-5 pages of original discussion and analysis, not counting the title page, reference page, figures, tables, and appendixes. Each application assignment must be supported by at least 3 scholarly references, in APA format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. The tool is a starting point for instructors to check overall Academic Integrity and higher scores generally indicate a higher probability of Academic Misconduct. The higher the score the higher the probability that there are too high a percentage of quotations included in the narrative, and/or there are passages that have not been properly cited.

Mandatory reading:

Read: Reece & Reece: Chapter 2

Application: Variables Assignment

Question 1, 2, and 3 – (p. 74)

Application: Communication Styles Assignment
Select and complete all questions on page 74 of your Recce & Recce textbook)
Questions 1, 2, and 3 – (p. 74) – “Closing Case Style Flexing

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