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u can choose any topic  Argumentative Research Paper Your writing must be fully referenced in MLA format: Font format: Times New Roman/ Font Size:12/

u can choose any topic 

Argumentative Research Paper

  • Your writing must be fully referenced in MLA format: Font format: Times New Roman/ Font Size:12/ Double spaced.
  • You need three references (Journal articles, books, etc.) related to the topic you choose. You should demonstrate the ability of using the source material, paraphrase them, and use them accordingly when expanding your paragraphs.
  • Your writing must include proper in-text citation and reference section.
  • The length of your writing should not exceed 1000 words (excluding reference)
  • The outline and the paper are worth 10 points each.

N.B. All the material pertinent to MLA, citation, and referencing that we have covered so far will help you stay on the right track.

Suggested topics:

  1. Is an increased dependence on technology making us dumber?
  2. Should students be allowed to use smart phones in school?
  3. How do smart phones and tablets affect growth and development in children?
  4. Do you think technology has decreased or increased our communication with each other?
  5. Is print media dead?
  6. Do comment sections on social media and news sites promote good discourse?
  7. Technology has made a lot of manual labor obsolete. How do you feel about this?
  8. What should blue collar workers do when their job has replaced them with better technology? How should policy makers respond?
  9. Has online dating killed traditional ideas about romance and marriage?
  10. Do you believe that the government should enforce net neutrality principles on internet service providers?
  11. Should there be a federal law that allows marijuana to be legal?
  12. Should a person have the right to choose when they die?
  13. At what age should you legally be allowed to drink?
  14. Would you support harsher punishments for athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs?
  15. Is it an infringement on religious rights to have business owners provide services for LGBTQ weddings if they do not agree with the marriage?
  16. Should religious institutions be allowed tax exemptions?
  17. Do you believe the death penalty is justified?
  18. Should a prisoner be granted the right to vote after they have served their sentence?
  19. How do you feel about more federally restrictive gun laws and universal background checks?
  20. Should citizens who entered the country illegally be forced to leave? What about their children who were brought here?

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